report | Nov 14, 1995

Energized Democrats Backing Clinton

Introduction and Summary Anxiety may replace anger as the dominant voter emotion in 1996. A major national survey finds significantly more Americans than 18 months ago worried about affording major expenses such as health care costs, college tuition, retirement funds and housing costs. Voter anxiety has increased across the political spectrum and appears to be […]

report | Aug 24, 1995

Support for Independent Candidate in ’96 Up Again

Introduction and Summary Support for a third party candidate in 1996 has increased for the third consecutive time in eight months, as opposition to Republican policies in Congress continues, and Bill Clinton’s approval rating sags. The latest Time Mirror Center for The People & The Press survey found as many as 26% saying they would […]

report | Mar 30, 1995

Very Able, but Character, Compassion and Extreme Views Questioned

Report Summary Newt Gingrich is an enigma to the public. On balance, Americans approve of the job he is doing as Speaker of the House, but they are wary of his character, concerned about his extreme points of view, and wonder about his compassion. There is much more of a consensus that he has the […]

report | Feb 17, 1995

Strong Support for Minimum Wage Hike and Preserving Entitlements

Report Summary While the Contract for America is getting all the play in Washington these days, there is still a lot of New Deal thinking in the rest of the country. No fewer than 79% of respondents in the latest Times Mirror Center survey say they approve of Bill Clinton’s proposal to increase the minimum […]

report | Nov 6, 1994

GOP Leads Among Likely Voters, But Democrats Making Gains

Report Summary Going into the final days of the campaign, a nationwide Times Mirror survey finds the Republican party with about enough popular support to capture control of the House of Representatives, but not enough to guarantee such an outcome. Further, the trends observed in the survey suggest that the Democrats may narrow the margin […]

report | Oct 28, 1994

Democrats Recover But GOP’s Turnout Edge Looms Large

Report Summary The latest nationwide Times Mirror Center voter survey reveals considerably more support for Democratic congressional candidates than just a few weeks ago. But the survey continues to show an unprecedented plurality of registered voters inclined to vote Republican. More importantly, as the election nears, it also finds the GOP with a sizeable lead […]

report | Oct 13, 1994

Democratic Congressional Prospects Worsen

Report Summary A majority of Americans say they are inclined to vote for a Republican congressional candidate this fall. If they act on their intentions, it will be the first time in modern political history that the GOP carries the popular vote.

report | Dec 20, 1992

Press Sees Coverage as Having Hurt Bush Election Chances

Report Summary A substantial majority (55%) of the American journalists who followed the 1992 presidential campaign believe that George Bush’s candidacy was damaged by the way the press covered him. Only 11% feel that Gov. Bill Clinton’s campaign was harmed by the way the press covered his drive to the presidency. Moreover, one out of […]

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