report | Oct 18, 2006
In a Pew Forum roundtable conversation, Forum senior fellow John Green and two prominent journalists speculate that it will be difficult for the Republican Party to mobilize evangelicals to go to the polls in great numbers next month. They also discuss challenges faced by the Democratic Party in appealing to this segment of the electorate.
report | Oct 18, 2006
A new survey finds large differences between Americans who are not registered to vote or vote only rarely and those who cast ballots at least some of the time. These two groups at the bottom of the voting participation scale are much less likely than regular or intermittent voters to believe that voting will make much of a difference.
report | Oct 11, 2006
Unlike the past three mid-term election campaigns, Democrats are more enthusiastic than Republicans about voting this year.
report | Oct 11, 2006
Summary of Findings Turnout in the 2006 midterm election may well be higher than normal, given the level of interest expressed by voters. Today, 51% of voters say they have given a lot of thought to this November’s election, up from 45% at this point in 2002 and 42% in early October of 1998. Even […]
transcript | Oct 11, 2006
Pew Research Center Washington, D.C. With the November mid-term elections approaching, the Pew Forum convened a roundtable discussion with three respected observers of religion and party politics. Joining the conversation was Amy Sullivan, a former aide to former Senator Tom Daschle currently writing a book on faith and the Democratic Party, Ross Douthat, an associate […]
report | Oct 5, 2006
Summary of Findings Iraq has become the central issue of the midterm elections. There is more dismay about how the U.S. military effort in Iraq is going than at any point since the war began more than three years ago. And the war is the dominant concern among the majority of voters who say they […]
report | Oct 2, 2006
This fact sheet presents estimates for the number of Hispanics who will be U.S. citizens and at least 18 years old and thus eligible to vote as of November 2006.
report | Sep 28, 2006
Red States Stay Red, Blue States Get Bluer, Swing States Deadlock
report | Sep 28, 2006
In an exclusive interview, Joe Lenski of Edison Media Research reflects on conducting his first election day survey following the death of his former partner, exit poll pioneer Warren Mitofsky. He also reveals steps that will be taken to avoid problems associated with the 2004 poll.
report | Sep 22, 2006
Polls show little boost for GOP in generic ballot.