report | Jun 6, 2007

¡Here Come ’Los Evangélicos’!

June 6, 2007 by Luis Lugo, Director, and Allison Pond, Research Assistant Next week hundreds of evangelical Latino pastors and church leaders will descend on Washington, D.C., for the annual National Hispanic Prayer Breakfast. Over the years, the event has steadily grown from a simple banquet to a three-day affair, running Wednesday through Friday. It […]

report | Jun 4, 2007

The 6-3-07 Democratic Debate: Comparing Candidate Views with Public Opinion

Eight candidates for the 2008 Democratic nomination for president squared off Sunday night in New Hampshire. Here is a run-down of how their views on key issues stacked up against the attitudes of the general public and of self-identified Democrats, Republicans and independents.

report | Jun 4, 2007

White, non-Hispanic Catholics and Republican Presidential Candidates

Giuliani Generating the Most Enthusiasm Where do white, non-Hispanic Catholics stand with regard to the announced and potential Republican presidential candidates? A June survey from the Pew Research Center for the People & the Press sheds light on this question at this stage of the campaign by measuring name recognition and likelihood of support at […]

report | Jun 4, 2007

Thompson Demonstrates Broad Potential Appeal

Summary of Findings Former Sen. Fred Thompson has broad potential appeal among Republican voters even before his expected entrance into the presidential race. Thompson is not nearly as well known as former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani or the other leading GOP candidates. But 37% of the Republican and Republican-leaning voters who have heard […]

short reads | Jun 1, 2007

Campaign Watchers on the Net

That's the percentage of U.S. adults who used the internet during the 2006 midterm election campaigns to get political news and information and to discuss the races through email. And the number of Americans using the internet as their main source of political material doubled since the last mid-term election, rivaling the number from the 2004 presidential election year.

report | Jun 1, 2007

Political Divide in Views of Campaign Coverage

Summary of Findings At this early stage of the 2008 campaign, about half of the public believes that press coverage of the Democratic and Republican presidential candidates has been fair. But there are sizable partisan differences in evaluations of campaign coverage. Notably, a plurality of Republicans believes the press has gone too easy on Democratic […]

report | May 16, 2007

Deconstructing the Debate 5/15/07

A review of recent polling reveals that on most -- though not all issues -- the candidates are in tune with the majority of Republicans, but somewhat at odds with the broader public.

report | May 16, 2007

Public Views of Presidential Politics and Mormon Faith

by Robert Ruby, Senior Editor, Pew Forum on Religion & Public Life In Mitt Romney’s campaign for the Republican presidential nomination, one key issue is his Mormon faith. Surveys by the Pew Research Center and other national polling organizations show strong public misgivings about the religion as well as about any presidential candidate who also […]

transcript | May 14, 2007

Mormonism and Politics: Are They Compatible?

Key West, Florida Some of the nation’s leading journalists gathered in Key West, Fla., in May 2007 for the Pew Forum’s biannual Faith Angle Conference on religion, politics and public life. Richard Bushman, an emeritus professor at Columbia University and author of several books about Mormon history, discussed the relationship between The Church of Jesus […]

report | May 9, 2007

Are Americans Ready to Elect a Female President?

When evaluating Sen. Hillary Clinton's 2008 prospects, one question remains inescapable: Are American voters ready to pick a female president? A review of exit polls in statewide elections suggests that, at least for Democratic candidates, being a woman is not an obstacle.

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