report | Jul 12, 2007

Election 2008

The presidential hopefuls are using their web sites for unprecedented two-way communication with citizens. But what are voters learning here? Is it more than a way to bypass the media? A new PEJ study of 19 campaign sites finds Democrats are more interactive, Republicans are more likely to talk about “values,” and neither wants to talk about ideology.

report | Jul 12, 2007

Campaign Internet Videos: Viewed More on TV than Online

Summary of Findings Short videos produced for the internet are becoming an important component of campaign news. In some cases, candidates themselves are producing videos and releasing them on their campaign websites. Candidates also are seeing their own gaffes or embarrassing moments packaged in a brief video and put up on the web for all […]

report | Jun 29, 2007

Democrats Go Domestic: Analyzing the 6-28 Debate

Before a predominantly black audience at Howard University, the eight candidates for the Democratic presidential nomination focused on issues of special interests to minorities including health care, education, taxes and racial discrimination.

report | Jun 22, 2007

Religious Republicans: Hanging Tough with Bush

by John C. Green The role of religious voters in the Republican Party has been highlighted by the sharp criticism of the Republican presidential front-runners – Rudy Giuliani, John McCain and Mitt Romney – by conservative religious leaders. Are religious Republicans abandoning President Bush and perhaps the GOP as well? The latest national survey by […]

report | Jun 20, 2007

Bloomberg Well Known, But of Limited Appeal for Now

Michael Bloomberg has created some excitement in the political world about a possible run for the presidency by dropping his Republican affiliation. But a recent nationwide Pew voter survey found that while the New York mayor is relatively well known, his appeal is very modest at this point.

report | Jun 18, 2007

Potential Support for Presidential Candidates among Religious Groups

Analysis of a June survey from the Pew Research Center for the People & the Press reveals how potential support for the presidential candidates varies among some religious groups. Hillary Clinton currently generates the most enthusiasm among Democrats in both religious groups for which sufficient data was available. Among Republicans, Rudy Giuliani garners the most […]

report | Jun 6, 2007

The 6-5-07 Republican Debate: Comparing Candidate Views with Public Opinion

Ten candidates for the 2008 Republican nomination for president squared off last night in a debate held in New Hampshire. Here is a run-down of how their views on key issues stacked up against the attitudes of the general public and of self-identified Republicans, Democrats and independents, as measured by recent Pew Research Center surveys.

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