report | Oct 7, 2010

Lagging Youth Enthusiasm Could Hurt Democrats in 2010

Millennials continue to be among the strongest backers of Democratic candidates this fall, though their support for the Democratic Party has slipped since 2008. But young voters have given far less thought to the coming elections than have older voters, and this gap is larger than in previous midterms.

report | Oct 6, 2010

Stem Cell Research in the Courts and on the Campaign Trail

Embryonic stem cell research has become a hot topic in the courts and in campaigns in several states, including Florida, Wisconsin and Iowa. On Sept. 28, a three-judge panel of the U.S. Court of Appeals in Washington, D.C., said federally funded stem cell research projects could continue while the appeals court reviews an Aug. 23 […]

report | Oct 6, 2010

Possible Negatives for Candidates: Vote for Bank Bailout, Palin Support

Overview In the upcoming midterm elections, two factors have emerged as major potential negatives for candidates: Fully 46% say they would be less likely to vote for a candidate who supported government loans to banks during the financial crisis two years ago, while nearly as many (42%) say they would be less likely to vote […]

report | Oct 5, 2010

Mapping the 2010 Latino Electorate

Map showing U.S. Latino voters by state, as well as by percentage of eligible voters in each congressional district during 2008 elections.

report | Oct 5, 2010

For the Media, it’s the Elections, Stupid

The midterms were a quarter of the newshole last week, and have been the third most covered story of the year, behind only the economy and the Gulf oil spill.

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