report | Oct 19, 2017

The Future of Truth and Misinformation Online

Experts are split on whether the coming years will see less misinformation online. Those who foresee improvement hope for technological and societal solutions. Others say bad actors using technology can exploit human vulnerabilities.

report | Sep 20, 2017

Science News and Information Today

Overall, 36% of Americans get science news at least a few times a week and three-in-ten actively seek it. Most get science news from general news outlets, but more see specialty sources as being accurate.

report | Aug 10, 2017

The Fate of Online Trust in the Next Decade

Many experts say lack of trust won't hinder increased public reliance on the internet. Some expect trust to grow as tech and regulatory changes arise; others think it will worsen or maybe change entirely.

report | Jul 10, 2017

Sharp Partisan Divisions in Views of National Institutions

Republicans and Democrats offer starkly different assessments of the impact of several of the nation’s leading institutions – including the news media, colleges and universities and churches and religious organizations.

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