report | May 14, 2012

Half Say View of Obama Not Affected by Gay Marriage Decision

Overview Roughly half of Americans (52%) say Barack Obama’s expression of support for gay marriage did not affect their opinion of the president. A quarter (25%) say they feel less favorably toward Obama because of this while 19% feel more favorably. There are wide partisan and age differences in reactions to Obama’s expression of support […]

report | Jan 19, 2012

Obama: Weak Job Ratings, But Positive Personal Image

Overview Barack Obama begins his fourth year in office facing a struggling economy, an unhappy public, and a lower job approval rating than most of his recent predecessors at a comparable point in their presidencies. In fact, Obama’s job rating today is a bit more negative than it was in December: 48% disapprove of his […]

report | Nov 3, 2011

The Generation Gap and the 2012 Election

Overview In the last four national elections, generational differences have mattered more than they have in decades. According to the exit polls, younger people have voted substantially more Democratic than other age groups in each election since 2004, while older voters have cast more ballots for Republican candidates in each election since 2006. The latest […]

report | Sep 26, 2011

Obama Draws More Confidence than GOP Leaders on Deficit

Overview As the nation prepares for another round of deficit reduction debates, the public’s confidence in congressional leaders, particularly Republican leaders in Congress, has plummeted. Just 35% say they have a great deal or fair amount of confidence in Republican leaders in Congress to do the right thing when it comes to dealing with the […]

short reads | Sep 14, 2011

Obama Leadership Image Takes a Hit

President Obama's overall job approval rating has declined in recent months, but there is also an intensity gap that has emerged, with Americans more likely to say they very strongly disapprove of Obama’s performance than to say they very strongly approve.

report | Aug 25, 2011

Obama Leadership Image Takes a Hit, GOP Ratings Decline

Overview The public is profoundly discontented with conditions in the country, its government, political leadership and several of its major institutions. Fully 79% are dissatisfied with the way things are going in the country. Even more (86%) say they are frustrated or angry with the federal government. Favorable ratings for both political parties are in […]

report | May 9, 2011

Obama Bump Recedes a Bit

Overview Barack Obama’s job approval rating has fallen slightly since the day after Osama bin Laden’s death was announced. But the balance of opinion regarding Obama’s job performance remains more positive than it was in early April. There also continues to be more optimism about the U.S. achieving its goals in Afghanistan than there was […]

report | May 3, 2011

Public “Relieved” By bin Laden’s Death, Obama’s Job Approval Rises

Overview The public is reacting to the killing of Osama bin Laden with relief, happiness and pride. And Americans overwhelmingly credit the U.S. military and the CIA for the success of the operation. An overnight survey of 654 adults, conducted by the Pew Research Center for the People & the Press and The Washington Post […]

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