report | Aug 26, 2016

Opinions on Gun Policy and the 2016 Campaign

For the past several years, large majorities of both Democrats and Republicans have favored making private gun sales and sales at gun shows subject to background checks.

short reads | Aug 15, 2016

In debates, voters want to hear most about terrorism and the economy

Given the chance to decide how much time is spent on each of 10 specific issues, voters would allocate more time to discussions of the candidates’ plans on keeping the U.S. safe from terrorism and on economic growth and much less time to discussion of abortion policy.

short reads | Aug 12, 2016

Most states allow religious exemptions from child abuse and neglect laws

All states prosecute parents whose children come to severe harm through neglect. But in thirty-four states (as well as the District of Columbia, Guam and Puerto Rico), there are exemptions in the civil child abuse statutes when medical treatment for a child conflicts with the religious beliefs of parents.

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