How does a computer ‘see’ gender?
A computer can be trained to predict whether an image shows a man or a woman. Can you identify which parts of the face are most essential to the computer’s decision?
A computer can be trained to predict whether an image shows a man or a woman. Can you identify which parts of the face are most essential to the computer’s decision?
Around six-in-ten Democrats support increased spending for scientific research, compared with 40% of Republicans, a gap that has grown over time.
As debates over abortion continue in states around the country, a majority of Americans (61%) continue to say that abortion should be legal in all (27%) or most (34%) cases.
Most continue to favor legal status for undocumented immigrants
Most Democrats think scientists should take an active role in policy debates, while 56% of Republicans say they should focus on establishing sound scientific facts.
A majority of Americans have a positive overall view of environmental health scientists, though their opinions are more mixed when it comes to trust in them to do a good job, show concern for the community’s interest and provide fair and accurate information.
Most Americans have positive overall views of medical doctors, and roughly half or more believe they can routinely count on medical doctors to do a good job, to show concern for patients’ interests and to provide fair and accurate information.
A majority of U.S. adults have a positive opinion of dietitians, and about half or more trust dietitians to perform their jobs with competence, to show concern for public interests and to provide fair and accurate nutrition information, according to a new Pew Research Center report.
Around a quarter of college faculty in the U.S. were nonwhite in fall 2017, compared with 45% of students.
Democrats are largely united in backing a $15 an hour federal minimum wage. Republican opinion on this issue is more divided.