Americans favor medical care but not economic aid for undocumented immigrants affected by COVID-19
68% of U.S. adults say the federal government has a responsibility to provide medical care to undocumented immigrants who have COVID-19.
68% of U.S. adults say the federal government has a responsibility to provide medical care to undocumented immigrants who have COVID-19.
Germans are increasingly negative about their relationship with the U.S. Also, Germans are more comfortable than Americans with globalization.
68% of those who have lost jobs or taken a pay cut due to COVID-19 are concerned that state governments will lift restrictions too quickly.
31% of U.S. adults say they discuss the outbreak with other people most of the time; another 13% say they talk about it almost all of the time.
Amy Mitchell (Pew Research Center), Philip Howard (University of Oxford), Jane Lytvynenko (Buzzfeed News) and Lori Robertson ( discuss misinformation during the coronavirus outbreak, and ahead of the 2020 presidential election, as part of SXSW 2020's virtual sessions.
Also, a declining share of Republicans say the coronavirus is a major threat to health in the United States.
President Trump has called himself a defender of religious liberty. But how do Americans see his administration’s effect on religious groups?
More Americans hold positive than negative views of the news media’s COVID-19 coverage, but Republicans and Democrats remain starkly divided.
World War II service members’ numbers have dwindled from around 939,000 veterans in 2015 to about 300,000 in 2020.
A majority of Americans continue to say their greater concern is that state governments will lift coronavirus-related restrictions on public activity too quickly.