report | Feb 24, 2021
The public is sharply divided by party, even as most support international cooperation and large majorities say it is important that the U.S. is respected around the world.
short reads | Feb 17, 2021
The number of federal prisoners sentenced to more than a year behind bars decreased by 5% between 2017 and the end of 2019.
report | Feb 2, 2021
More Americans also say evangelical Christians, business corporations and the military will lose than gain influence in Washington.
report | Jan 28, 2021
There are wide partisan gaps over most of the 19 items asked about – particularly addressing racial issues and dealing with global climate change.
short reads | Jan 27, 2021
Americans are more likely to support than oppose banning Donald Trump's social media accounts, but views are divided along political lines.
short reads | Jan 22, 2021
Only two other presidents since 1900 – George W. and George H.W. Bush – granted fewer acts of clemency than Trump.
short reads | Jan 20, 2021
Although Catholicism has long been one of the largest U.S. religious groups, John F. Kennedy and Joe Biden are the only Catholic presidents.
short reads | Jan 19, 2021
Following the passage of a second stimulus package in December, 79% of U.S. adults say another economic assistance package will be necessary.
short reads | Jan 15, 2021
Social media activity by members of Congress changed in notable ways following the rioting at the Capitol by supporters of President Trump.
short reads | Jan 15, 2021
“Saddened, hurt, disgusted,” one woman in her 50s said. “Never thought I would see anything like this in my life.”