report | Jul 1, 2010

Gender Equality Universally Embraced, But Inequalities Acknowledged

Despite a general consensus that women should have the same rights as men, people in many nations around the world say gender inequalities persist. Many say that men get more opportunities than equally qualified women for jobs that pay well and that life is generally better for men than it is for women in their countries.

report | Jun 28, 2010

Public Rejects Variety Of Options For Fixing State Budgets

Overview Most Americans see the deteriorating budget situations in many states as a problem that the states themselves – rather than the federal government – should solve. But when it comes to specific proposals to balance state budgets, there is more opposition than support for each option asked about – particularly cuts in funding for […]

report | Jun 24, 2010

Obama’s Ratings Little Affected by Recent Turmoil

Overview Since the beginning of this year, President Obama has signed a controversial health care measure, coped with a stubbornly high jobless rate, and struggled to manage the largest environmental disaster in the nation’s history. In that period, Obama’s overall job approval rating has moved from 49% to 48%. On major issues, ranging from the […]

report | Jun 22, 2010

Public Sees a Future Full of Promise and Peril

Overview Imagine a future in which cancer becomes a memory, ordinary people travel in space, and computers carry on conversations like humans. Now imagine a darker future – a world beset by war, rising temperatures and energy shortages, one where the United States faces a terrorist attack with nuclear weapons. Most Americans think that these […]

report | Jun 21, 2010

Public Uncertain About How to Improve Job Situation

Overview There is broad public agreement that past government policies intended to address the financial crisis and recession have not worked. At the same time, there is very little agreement about what the government should do now to deal with the nation’s biggest economic concern – the job situation. None of the options currently under […]

report | Jun 21, 2010

Six Things to Know About Health Care Coverage

The drive for health care reform legislation proved to be the most passionate and polarizing policy fight of Barack Obama’s first year in office, with the public and Congress deeply divided over the initiative. And much of that battle played out through a changing media universe. A new PEJ study, examining 10 months of health care stories, identifies some of the key elements of that coverage.

report | Jun 17, 2010

Obama More Popular Abroad Than At Home, Global Image of U.S. Continues to Benefit

Overview As the global economy begins to rebound from the great recession, people around the world remain deeply concerned with the way things are going in their countries. Less than a third of the publics in most nations say they are satisfied with national conditions, as overwhelming numbers say their economies are in bad shape. […]

report | Jun 17, 2010

Patient Communities… at Walgreens?

I concluded a recent speech with a challenge: If chronically ill patients can find ways to connect and learn from each other, why can't your organizations find ways to connect and learn from them? One executive's positive reaction surprised even m...

report | Jun 14, 2010

Public Remains of Two Minds on Energy Policy

Overview With the oil leak in the Gulf of Mexico now nearly two months old, the public is sending mixed signals about U.S. energy policy. Despite the growing damage from the Gulf oil leak, the public generally favors continuing to drill for oil and gas in U.S. waters. And in setting priorities for energy legislation […]

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