report | Jan 27, 2012

It’s About Fairness, Not Class Warfare

Income inequality has become a hot-button issue during this political campaign. A recent Pew Research Center poll, for example, attracted an extraordinary amount of attention when it found that 66 percent of Americans believed there were “very strong” or “strong” conflicts between the rich and the poor — an increase of 19 percentage points since […]

report | Jan 23, 2012

Public Priorities: Deficit Rising, Terrorism Slipping

Overview As the 2012 State of the Union approaches, the public continues to give the highest priority to economic issues. Fully 86% say that strengthening the economy should be a top priority for the president and Congress this year, and 82% rate improving the job situation as a top priority. None of the other 20 […]

presentation | Jan 12, 2012

The Rise of the e-Patient

Director Lee Rainie presented to physicians, administrators, and staff at Providence St. Joseph Medical Center in Burbank, California on January 12 on understanding social networking and online health information seeking.

fact sheet | Jan 11, 2012

In Brief: Hosanna-Tabor v. EEOC

The Court’s Unanimous Decision On Jan. 11, the Supreme Court issued a ruling in a significant church employment dispute, giving religious organizations wide latitude in hiring and firing clergy and other employees who perform religious duties. In its unanimous decision, the high court explicitly recognized a legal doctrine known as the “ministerial exception.” Lower courts […]

report | Jan 6, 2012

Continued Majority Support for Death Penalty

Overview Public opinion about the death penalty has changed only modestly in recent years, but there continues to be far less support for the death penalty than there was in the mid-1990s. A survey by the Pew Research Center for the People & the Press and the Pew Forum on Religion & Public Life, conducted […]

report | Jan 6, 2012

Majority Continues to Support Death Penalty

A November 2011 survey finds continued majority support for the death penalty in the U.S. Compared with 20 years ago, however, there is more concern today among death penalty opponents about flaws in the justice system and the possibility that innocent people could be put to death.

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