report | Jan 16, 2013

Obama’s Gun Policy Announcement

President Obama and Vice President Joseph Biden Wednesday unveiled their proposals for preventing the kind of mass shootings that most recently occurred at an elementary school in Newtown, Ct. Here are some of our public opinion findings that relate to some of what they had to say.

report | Jan 16, 2013

Abortion Research Package

A Pew Forum research package includes results from a new public opinion survey, a slideshow on how opinion differs among various demographic groups, a discussion of the legal issues and a summary of religious groups’ positions. POLL January 2013 Roe v. Wade at 40: Most Oppose Overturning Abortion Decision As the 40th anniversary of the […]

report | Jan 16, 2013

Roe v. Wade at 40: Most Oppose Overturning Abortion Decision

Millennials Far Less Aware of Historic Ruling   Washington, D.C. — As the 40th anniversary of the Supreme Court’s Roe v. Wade decision approaches, the public remains opposed to completely overturning the historic ruling on abortion. A new poll by the Pew Research Center finds that more than six-in-ten (63%) say they would not like […]

report | Jan 16, 2013

Roe v. Wade at 40: Most Oppose Overturning Abortion Decision

As the 40th anniversary of the Supreme Court’s Roe v. Wade decision approaches, the public remains opposed to completely overturning the historic ruling on abortion. More than six-in-ten (63%) say they would not like to see the court completely overturn the Roe v. Wade decision.

report | Jan 16, 2013

Public Opinion on Abortion Slideshow

A series of graphics explores public opinion on abortion, illustrating how opinion differs among various demographic groups, including religious, political, age and gender groups.

report | Jan 15, 2013

Public Attitudes Toward the Next Social Contract

Recent deliberations in Washington have triggered a national debate about key elements of the social safety net. Why the U.S. invests relatively less in its social safety net than many other countries reflect Americans’ conflicted, partisan and often contradictory views on fairness, inequality, the role and responsibility of government and individuals in society and the efficacy of government action.

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