report | Jun 4, 2013

Cuomo’s Proposal Aims to Protect Late-Term Abortion Access in NY

After months of anticipation, New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo has introduced a proposal that seeks to protect access to abortion in the third-largest U.S. state. A new Pew Research Center analysis explores the details of Cuomo’s bill, which aims to codify Roe v. Wade in state law.

report | Jun 3, 2013

Mapping Mediterranean Misery

The closer the country is to the outer edge of the spider graph, the more negative its attitudes are; the closer it is to the center of the graph, the more positive its attitudes are. To see more countries, select in the legend below.

report | May 29, 2013

Most Say Disaster Spending Does Not Require Offsetting Cuts

Overview As Oklahoma recovers from severe damage caused by last week’s tornado, a majority of Americans (59%) say federal spending in response to natural disasters is emergency aid that does not need to be offset by cuts to other programs, while 29% say such spending must be offset by cuts to other programs. While there […]

short reads | May 24, 2013

On Memorial Day, public pride in veterans, but at a distance

As the nation prepares to celebrate Memorial Day, most Americans have feelings of pride in the soldiers who fought in America’s post-9/11 conflicts. But the public that will be observing the holiday is also one increasingly disconnected from the military.

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