report | Jul 17, 2013

Fewer See Events in Egypt as Critical to U.S. Interests

Overview Public interest in news from Egypt has plummeted since the early weeks of the Arab Spring in February 2011. And the share of Americans saying what happens in Egypt is “very important” to U.S. interests has fallen by 10 points – from 46% to 36% – since then. The survey by the Pew Research […]

short reads | Jul 16, 2013

Mexican public favors military use, U.S. aid to fight drug cartels

On Monday, the Mexican military captured Miguel Angel Treviño Morales, leader of the Zetas, one of the major Mexican drug cartels. Treviño Morales is wanted in Mexico and the United States for charges of drug trafficking, murder, torture, kidnapping and extortion, among other crimes. Mexican armed forces made the arrest early Monday morning after a […]

short reads | Jul 16, 2013

Supreme Court same-sex marriage rulings spark state court challenges

Just weeks after the U.S. Supreme Court’s landmark decisions on same-sex marriage, LGBT advocates are ramping up legal efforts to expand marriage rights for gays and lesbians at the state level. In five states – Arkansas, New Mexico, North Carolina, Pennsylvania and Texas – gay marriage supporters have filed new lawsuits seeking to legalize same-sex […]

report | Jul 15, 2013

Modest Public Interest in Close of Zimmerman Trial

Overview The final days of the trial of George Zimmerman, which concluded July 13 with a verdict of not guilty, attracted relatively modest public interest overall. In a weekend survey, 26% say they were following news about the trial very closely. This is lower than interest in the initial controversy over Trayvon Martin’s shooting when […]

short reads | Jul 12, 2013

The politics and demographics of food stamp recipients

The House on July 11 passed a farm bill stripped of funding for food stamps. A Pew Research survey last year found about one-in-five (22%) of Democrats say they had received food stamps compared with 10% of Republicans.

report | Jul 11, 2013

Japanese Public’s Mood Rebounding, Abe Highly Popular

Survey Report After more than two decades of economic turmoil and political transition in Japan, the public’s mood is showing some decided improvement. Japan now has a strongly popular political leadership, and there are indications of a growing Japanese aspiration to play a larger security role on the world stage. Public satisfaction with Japan’s direction […]

report | Jul 11, 2013

Public Esteem for Military Still High

More than three-quarters of Americans continue to believe that members of the military contribute “a lot” to society’s well-being. By contrast, only 37% say clergy make a big contribution to society, and journalists have dropped the most in public esteem since 2009.

short reads | Jul 11, 2013

Is childhood obesity contagious?

Every parent knows that young children catch lots of things at school: chicken pox, the flu and, of course, the annual back-to-school cold. Now there’s evidence that kids can catch something else from their classmates:  obesity. Of course there isn’t a fat virus, or at least one we know about.  But a research team from […]

report | Jul 11, 2013

Public Esteem for Military Still High

More than three-quarters of U.S. adults (78%) say members of the military contribute “a lot” to society’s well-being, according to a new survey of Americans’ views on various professions. By contrast, just 37% of Americans think the clergy contribute a lot, putting religious leaders well behind teachers, medical doctors, scientists and engineers.

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