short reads | Aug 28, 2013
While the U.S. and several of its allies in NATO review options for military action against Syria for its alleged use of chemical weapons, such action is reportedly not likely to be under the umbrella of NATO. Support for NATO in member countries has waned.
short reads | Aug 28, 2013
A recent Pew Research Center survey asked Americans of all races how black people are treated relative to whites by the police, the court system and other institutions in their community. The results show a large and consistent black-white gap in perceptions, with blacks far more likely than whites to say African Americans are treated […]
short reads | Aug 28, 2013
Martin Luther King Jr.’s speech 50 years ago today on Washington D.C.’s National Mall and Memorial Parks has become one of the most famous, and quoted, pieces of oratory in U.S. history (though that wasn’t apparent to everyone at the time). But how well have the aspirations King so memorably expressed been realized? We ran […]
short reads | Aug 27, 2013
Even before Syrian President Bashar al-Assad was accused of using chemical weapons, he was widely unpopular with publics in neighboring countries.
short reads | Aug 26, 2013
Professional journalists have long faced the risks of working in harm's way, but now conflicts like the one in Syria are claiming the lives of a new part of the media -- citizen journalists.
short reads | Aug 23, 2013
A recent survey of Republican and Republican-leaning adults about the GOP’s future found stark age differences in opinions on the question of whether more diverse nominees would help the party perform better in future elections.
short reads | Aug 22, 2013
Americans have consistently opposed U.S. involvement in the Syrian conflict, but have offered a somewhat different response when asked how they would respond if there is proof that President Bashar Assad’s forces attacked civilians with chemical weapons.
report | Aug 22, 2013
Five decades after Martin Luther King’s historic “I Have a Dream” speech in Washington, D.C., a new survey by the Pew Research Center finds that fewer than half (45%) of all Americans say the country has made substantial progress toward racial equality and about the same share (49%) say that “a lot more” remains to be done.
short reads | Aug 20, 2013
Proposals to raise the minimum wage face stiff opposition in Congress from Republicans, particularly in the House. But within the GOP base, there are sharp educational and income differences over the issue.
report | Aug 19, 2013
Overview With violence continuing to rage in Egypt, 51% of Americans say it is better for the United States to cut off military aid to Egypt to put pressure on the government. This is nearly double the percentage (26%) saying it is better to continue military aid to the government in order to maintain influence […]