report | Oct 22, 2013

Public Closely Tracks Agreement on Shutdown and Debt Limit

Survey Report The public closely tracked the resolution to the government shutdown and increase in the debt limit, with nearly half (49%) saying they followed news very closely and 30% saying they followed news somewhat closely. The latest national survey by the Pew Research Center, conducted Oct. 17-20 among 1,001 adults, finds that interest in […]

presentation | Oct 22, 2013

Mobile Health in Context

Susannah Fox will deliver a keynote address to a symposium hosted by the University of Maryland Health Sciences & Human Services Library in Baltimore

report | Oct 21, 2013

Public Registers Bumpy Launch of Health Care Exchange Websites

Survey Report A few weeks after the launch of the state-level online health insurance exchanges that are a cornerstone of the Affordable Care Act, the public’s impression is that it has been a bumpy launch. About three-in-ten Americans (29%) say the online health insurance exchanges are working very or fairly well while 46% say they […]

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