short reads | Dec 31, 2013

As 2014 brings new state laws, a look at public opinion on the issues

Every new year means adding thousands of new state laws to the books. This year’s wide range includes everything from tanning bed age limits (Illinois), to a new ban on selling shark fins (Delaware). While most new laws represent incremental change, sometimes state laws can also signal broader movement on a public policy issue or […]

short reads | Dec 26, 2013

Obama had strong support from LGBT adults even before stance on Sochi Olympics

President Obama said the inclusion of openly gay athletes in the U.S. delegation to the Winter Olympics in Sochi, Russia underscores American values. Obama and his administration had been viewed positively by LGBT Americans even before this most recent expression of support for LGBT rights.

report | Dec 19, 2013

In Deficit Debate, Public Resists Cuts in Entitlements and Aid to Poor

Survey Report As President Obama prepares to sign a bipartisan budget agreement that its proponents describe as a modest step toward addressing the deficit, the public shows little appetite for making some of the spending cuts often discussed as part of a broader “grand bargain” on the budget. The latest national survey by the Pew […]

short reads | Dec 17, 2013

What ails America? Dr. Google can tell you

Dr. Google’s waiting room was crowded in 2013. Online search has become an easy way for people to learn more about what’s ailing them, either to self-diagnose or find a remedy.

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