report | Sep 10, 2014

Growing Concern about Rise of Islamic Extremism at Home and Abroad

Survey Report As President Obama prepares to address the nation about the militant group ISIS, the public has become more worried about Islamic extremism. Six-in-ten (62%) are very concerned about the rise of Islamic extremism around the world, which is the largest share dating back to 2007. A somewhat smaller majority (53%) is very concerned […]

short reads | Sep 5, 2014

What drove spike in public comments on net neutrality? Likely, a comedian

While some evidence suggests that the amount of news media coverage mirrored that of the public’s comments on the FCC's proposed net neutrality policy changes, our analysis found that more likely drivers of comments were grassroots efforts, as well as a popular comedian’s 13-minute segment on net neutrality that aired on cable television and found a large online audience.

report | Sep 3, 2014

More Prioritize Border Security in Immigration Debate

Survey Report As President Obama considers executive action to delay the deportation of millions of undocumented immigrants, the public’s priorities for U.S. immigration policy have shifted, with more people favoring a focus on better border security and tougher enforcement of immigration laws. The national survey by the Pew Research Center, conducted August 20-24 among 1,501 […]

short reads | Aug 29, 2014

Russian poll: Putin faces limited opposition from his public on Ukraine

Despite criticism from the West on his actions in the Ukraine, Russian President Vladimir Putin faces far fewer questions from a public that draws a distinction between support for separatist rebels and having a direct role in the continued violence in eastern Ukraine.

short reads | Aug 29, 2014

For Labor Day, a look at the state of underemployment

Although the official unemployment rate was down to 6.2% in July, many economists and other analysts have concluded that that measure doesn't fully capture what's happened to the U.S. economy since the Great Recession officially ended in the summer of 2009.

short reads | Aug 28, 2014

Latino confidence in local police lower than among whites

About half of Hispanics say they have a great deal or a fair amount of confidence in their local police force to not use excessive force on suspects and to treat people equally regardless of race or ethnicity.

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