short reads | Feb 3, 2015

NASA popularity still sky-high

NASA continues to be very popular among the public, with four times as many Americans holding a favorable view of the space agency as unfavorable (68% vs. 17%).

short reads | Jan 29, 2015

Is Europe on board for a new trade deal with the U.S.?

Overall, recent surveys in both the U.S. and the 28-member EU suggest there is widespread support for a deeper transatlantic trade and investment relationship in most EU countries and among publics representing most of the European population, economy and exports to the U.S.

short reads | Jan 28, 2015

Budget deficit dropping, but public still concerned

While the $467.5 billion deficit projection for fiscal 2015 is the lowest since 2007, the nonpartisan agency predicts higher deficits in the years to come. Meanwhile, the public’s concerns about reducing the deficit have varied over the past two decades, according to the Pew Research Center’s annual policy priorities surveys.

short reads | Jan 27, 2015

What LGBT Americans think of same-sex marriage

Nearly all LGBT Americans support same-sex marriage, but enthusiasm for this new legal change now under review by the U.S. Supreme Court isn't as uniform as one might think.

short reads | Jan 22, 2015

House Catholics are trending Republican

More House Republicans in the new, 114th Congress identify as Catholic than in any other recent Congress, and they now outnumber Catholic Democrats in the House.

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