report | Mar 19, 2015

Federal Tax System Seen in Need of Overhaul

Survey Report The public sees the nation’s tax system as deeply flawed: 59% say “there is so much wrong with the federal tax system that Congress should completely change it.” Just 38% think the system “works pretty well” and requires “only minor changes.” These opinions have changed little since 2011. With the April 15 filing […]

report | Mar 16, 2015

Americans’ Privacy Strategies Post-Snowden

Nearly two years after Snowden's revelations, 87% of Americans say they have heard about U.S. surveillance programs. Among them, 25% say they have changed their own technological behaviors in some way.

short reads | Mar 13, 2015

Study finds racial, ethnic divide in attention to crime news

Crime consistently ranks as one of the most followed and discussed topics by the public, and it receives more attention in local news media than almost any other subject. A recent Pew Research Center report reinforces these findings but also suggests that certain groups of residents pay closer attention to local crime than others in […]

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