report | Jul 22, 2015

A Year Later, U.S. Campaign Against ISIS Garners Support, Raises Concerns

Survey Report Nearly a year after the United States launched its first airstrikes against ISIS, the public remains broadly supportive of the military campaign. Yet Americans also have persistent doubts about how well the U.S. military effort is going, and there is no agreement about whether the U.S. should deploy ground troops as part of […]

report | Jul 14, 2015

Climate Change Seen as Top Global Threat

People in many countries around the world, particularly in Latin America and Africa, list climate change as a top worry. Americans, Europeans and Middle Easterners, however, most frequently cite ISIS as their top threat.

report | Jul 14, 2015

Climate Change Seen as Top Global Threat

People in many countries around the world, particularly in Latin America and Africa, list climate change as a top worry. Americans, Europeans and Middle Easterners, however, most frequently cite ISIS as their top threat.

feature | Jul 1, 2015

Major Gaps Between the Public, Scientists on Key Issues

Despite broadly similar views about the overall place of science in America, there are striking differences between the public and scientists’ views on a host of science-related issues, from whether genetically modified foods are safe to eat to whether the world’s growing population will be a major problem.

report | Jul 1, 2015

Americans, Politics and Science Issues

The general public’s political views are strongly linked to their attitudes on climate and energy issues. But politics is a less important factor on biomedical, food safety, space issues.

short reads | Jun 29, 2015

In greater Dallas area, segregation by income and race

Income segregation has increased over the past 30 years in 27 of the 30 largest U.S. metro areas. There were clear divisions between low-income and middle- and upper-income areas, as well as along racial lines.

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