short reads | Aug 15, 2016

In debates, voters want to hear most about terrorism and the economy

Given the chance to decide how much time is spent on each of 10 specific issues, voters would allocate more time to discussions of the candidates’ plans on keeping the U.S. safe from terrorism and on economic growth and much less time to discussion of abortion policy.

short reads | Feb 25, 2016

Public support for environmental regulations varies by state

When it comes to potential trade-offs between the environment and the economy, most Americans say stricter environmental regulations are worth the cost, while fewer say stricter environmental regulations cost too many jobs and hurt the economy.

report | Jan 22, 2016

Budget Deficit Slips as Public Priority

Survey Report As Barack Obama begins his final year in office, the goal of reducing the budget deficit, which the public once ranked among the most pressing objectives for his administration, has continued its recent decline in perceived importance. Overall, 56% say that reducing the budget deficit should be a top priority for the president […]

short reads | Nov 10, 2015

5 facts about Republicans in 2015

Republican voters give the current field of presidential candidates higher ratings than at comparable times in the past two nomination contests.

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