report | Jun 14, 1995

Medicare Debate Gets more attention than Bosnia, Dole on Hollywood, and Even OJ

Report Summary More Americans are paying attention to Bosnia these days than at anytime since the bloody war in former Yugoslavia broke out. But Bosnia, Bob Dole’s attack on Hollywood, and even O.J. Simpson take a back seat to public attentiveness to news about proposals to scale back spending on Medicare. And the attention to […]

report | Mar 1, 1995

Media Coverage of Health Care Reform

Summary of Findings This joint project of the Times Mirror Center for the People & the Press, the Kaiser Family Foundation and Columbia Journalism Review tracked the volume and tone of press coverage of the health care debate from September of 1993 through November of 1994. This final report summarizes the broadest findings of the […]

report | Jul 14, 1994

Gloomy Doctors and “Scared Public” Spurn Clinton Plan But Favor Reform Principles

Summary of Findings Over the past 12 months Americans and their physicians have been frightened by the health care reform debate, and have soured on the “Clinton plan”. But both the public and medical doctors continue to strongly support universal coverage as the core element of the changes they seek in the nation’s health care […]

report | Oct 1, 1993

Cautious Support For Clinton Plan

REPORT SUMMARY The American public is expressing wary support for the Clinton health care reform plan, as many Americans attempt to balance the strong appeal of guaranteeing universal access with questions, if not doubts about, how much protection the Clinton approach will actually provide, what it will cost and to what extent it will restrict […]

report | Apr 14, 1993

The Public, Their Doctors, and Health Care Reform

REPORT SUMMARY Two-thirds of America’s doctors prescribe fundamental reform for the health care system of this country, and they seem ready to swallow a pill they have rejected for generations — significant outside control of medicine. A nationwide survey of medical doctors by the Times Mirror Center for the People and the PressĀ found 58% responding […]

report | Aug 19, 1990

American Perspectives: What Do We Look Like? How Do We Feel?

Report Summary At week’s end 66% of the American public said they were following news about the Iraqi invasion and the deployment of American forces to Saudi Arabia very closely. Events in the Middle East now dominate public consciousness to an extraordinary degree. An unparalleled 85% of Times Mirror’s nationwide telephone sample volunteered this, in […]

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