A Barometer of Modern Morals
These edicts represent the collective judgment of the American public when asked to assess the moral dimensions of different kinds of behaviors.
These edicts represent the collective judgment of the American public when asked to assess the moral dimensions of different kinds of behaviors.
Summary of Findings Public acceptance of homosexuality has increased in a number of ways in recent years, though it remains a deeply divisive issue. Half of Americans (51%) continue to oppose legalizing gay marriage, but this number has declined significantly from 63% in February 2004, when opposition spiked following the Massachusetts Supreme Court decision and […]
Blogs are part of the bigger story about dramatic change in people's information environments. This presentation on health-related blogs focuses on their implication for health providers in communicating with patients and caregivers.
Overall, about a quarter of all adults in this country say they always feel rushed, while a majority of Americans sometimes feel rushed and about a quarter almost never feel rushed.
Some of us are happier than others, and this variance helps to paint a portrait of the kind of people Americans are. It also casts doubt on some of the famous wisdom on the subject.
Summary of Findings The political debate over the Iraq war has grown more pointed in recent weeks, as President Bush has embarked upon a series of high-profile speeches defending the war and Democratic Rep. John Murtha has made headlines with his calls for a withdrawal of U.S. forces. But fundamental public attitudes toward the war […]
Many parents go online to get information about their kids' upcoming surgical procedures.
Millions of Americans will welcome new access to industrial-strength health information -- but they'll miss the articles from one major journal.
Eight in ten internet users have looked online for information on at least one of 16 health topics, with increased interest since 2002 in diet, fitness, drugs, health insurance, experimental treatments, and particular doctors and hospitals.
The presentation is an overview of several trends, including broadband adoption and a surge of interest in “every day” health topics, and how they affect the internet health landscape.