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short reads | Jul 12, 2023

8 facts about Black Lives Matter

As we mark 10 years since the #BlackLivesMatter hashtag first appeared on social media, here are eight facts about the Black Lives Matter movement.

report | Jun 29, 2023

#BlackLivesMatter Turns 10

More than 44 million #BlackLivesMatter tweets from nearly 10 million distinct users currently exist on Twitter today. Over half of all existing tweets that include the #BlackLivesMatter hashtag were posted from May to September 2020.

report | Feb 15, 2022

Americans’ Trust in Scientists, Other Groups Declines

Trust in scientists and medical scientists has fallen below pre-pandemic levels, with 29% of U.S. adults saying they have a great deal of confidence in medical scientists to act in the best interests of the public. This is down from 40% in November 2020 and 35% in January 2019, before COVID-19 emerged. Other prominent groups – including the military, police officers and public school principals – have also seen their ratings decline.

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