report | Apr 17, 2002
Introduction and Summary A multinational survey conducted in association with the International Herald Tribune and Council on Foreign Relations Europeans have a better opinion of President George W. Bush than they did before the Sept. 11 attacks, but they remain highly critical of the president, most of his policies, and what they see as his […]
transcript | Feb 20, 2002
1:30 – 3:00 p.m. Washington, D.C. Participants Gregg Ivers, Professor and Chair, Department of Government, The American University Paul Light, Vice President and Director, Governmental Studies Program, the Brookings Institution Kathryn Dunn Tenpas, Associate Director, the University of Pennsylvania Washington Semester Program, and Guest Scholar, the Brookings Institution Jim Towey, Director, White House Office of […]
report | Jan 29, 2002
President Bush will have the attention and the good will of the American public to an extraordinary extent when he steps to the podium to deliver his State of the Union address. Tuesday’s speech will be the most eagerly anticipated in years – our mid-January survey found 54% calling it more important than past efforts, […]
report | Jan 17, 2002
Introduction and Summary In the face of a struggling economy and the continuing war on terrorism, Americans begin 2002 upbeat about President George W. Bush’s job performance, his coming State of the Union address and the prospects for bipartisanship in Washington. Preventing future terrorist attacks and mending the economy are the biggest priorities this year. […]
report | Jan 13, 2002
by Andrew Kohut for The New York Times
report | Aug 15, 2001
Overview George W. Bush is highly unpopular with the publics of the major nations of Western Europe. By wide margins, people in Germany, France, Great Britain and Italy all disapprove of his handling of international policy, and the American president does not inspire much more confidence in these countries than does Russian President Vladimir Putin. […]
report | Aug 15, 2001
Introduction and Summary George W. Bush is highly unpopular with the publics of the major nations of Western Europe. By wide margins, people in Germany, France, Great Britain and Italy all disapprove of his handling of international policy, and the American president does not inspire much more confidence in these countries than does Russian President […]
report | Aug 9, 2001
by Andrew Kohut for America Online
report | Jun 18, 2001
Introduction and Summary As President Bush returns from his first overseas trip, his approval ratings are inching downward and an increasing number of Americans now say they disapprove of the job performance of GOP leaders on Capitol Hill. By contrast, the newly-installed Democratic leaders in the Senate are winning initially positive approval marks (50% vs. […]
report | May 1, 2001
A review of the early press coverage of George W. Bush's administration reveals some unexpected and troubling features of contemporary political journalism: even the most serious newspapers in the country have pulled back dramatically on covering the presidency.