report | Jul 19, 2005

Republicans Uncertain on Rove Resignation

Summary of Findings Only about half of the American public is paying close attention to news reports that White House aide Karl Rove may have leaked classified information about a CIA agent. But 39% of the public ­ and a solid majority of those closely following the reports (58%) ­ believe that Rove should resign […]

report | May 19, 2005

Economy, Iraq Weighing Down Bush Popularity

Summary of Findings Americans are critical of President Bush’s job performance in many policy areas, but negative opinions of his handling of the economy and Iraq are doing the most damage to his overall approval rating, which now stands at 43%. Just 35% approve of the president’s handling of the economy, down from 43% in […]

report | Mar 26, 2005

All the News That’s Fed

Though presidents have always worked hard to get their message out, the Bush administration has pushed the envelope, especially with its aggressive use of the faux news segments called video news releases.

report | Mar 2, 2005

Bush Failing in Social Security Push

Summary of Findings President George W. Bush is losing ground with the public in his efforts to build support for private retirement accounts in Social Security. Despite Bush’s intensive campaign to promote the idea, the percentage of Americans who say they favor private accounts has tumbled to 46% in Pew’s latest nationwide survey, down from […]

report | Feb 24, 2005

More Optimism on Iraq, But Most Expect Long U.S. Stay

Summary of Findings The public is more optimistic over the situation in Iraq as a result of that nation’s recent elections, but remains skeptical of the Bush administration’s decision to go to war. Moreover, the elections have not improved opinions of President Bush’s handling of Iraq. The survey, largely completed before the president’s European trip, […]

report | Feb 7, 2005

Survey On Latino Attitudes On The War In Iraq

Attitudes towards the war in Iraq are more negative among Latinos than in the general population, according to a survey conducted as President George W. Bush began his second term.

report | Jan 13, 2005

Public’s Agenda Differs From President’s

Summary of Findings George W. Bush begins his second term with considerably less popular support than other recent incumbent presidents after their reelection. He also is proposing a second-term policy agenda that differs in several key respects from the public’s. Health care, aid for the poor, and the growing budget deficit are all increasingly important […]

report | Dec 20, 2004

Public Opinion Little Changed by Presidential Election

Summary of Findings Six weeks after President Bush’s victory, the divisions that were so apparent in the election show no signs of narrowing. The public remains split over the president’s job performance, the situation in Iraq, and the state of the national economy. But Bush voters are upbeat on all three questions ­ 92% approve […]

report | Oct 31, 2004

Slight Bush Margin in Final Days of Campaign

Summary of Findings President George W. Bush holds a slight edge over Senator John Kerry in the final days of Campaign 2004. The Pew Research Center’s final pre-election poll of 1,925 likely voters, conducted Oct. 27-30, finds Bush with a three-point edge (48% to 45% for Kerry); Ralph Nader draws 1%, and 6% are undecided. […]

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