report | May 5, 2005
The Kansas State Board of Education has begun hearings on whether to change the way that biology is taught in public schools to include the teaching of intelligent design, a contrary theory to that of evolution and natural selection.
report | Dec 29, 2002
Americans expect to find what they are looking for online in news, health care, government information, and shopping.
report | Oct 2, 2002
Fully 88% of local elected officials use the Internet in the course of their official duties and many say their online activities have helped them learn more about local public opinion, stay in touch better with community groups, and encounter new voices in local civic life.
report | Nov 20, 2001
This report examines how institutions in five cities (Austin, Texas; Cleveland, Ohio; Nashville, Tennessee; Portland, Oregon and Washington, D.C.) are adapting to the Internet as an economic development and community-building tool. The experiences in these communities suggests that the Internet is best used to encourage bottom-up initiatives, encourage and nurture catalytic individuals in communities, encourage public funding for technology programs, encourage “bridging” among groups, and encourage experimentation.