short reads | May 24, 2013

On Memorial Day, public pride in veterans, but at a distance

As the nation prepares to celebrate Memorial Day, most Americans have feelings of pride in the soldiers who fought in America’s post-9/11 conflicts. But the public that will be observing the holiday is also one increasingly disconnected from the military.

report | Jan 29, 2013

Broad Support for Combat Roles for Women

Overview The public broadly supports the military’s decision to lift restrictions on women in combat. Two-thirds (66%) support allowing women in the military to serve in ground units that engage in close combat, while just 26% are opposed. Opinion on this question is little changed from a Washington Post/ABC News survey two years ago. The […]

report | Jan 24, 2013

Pentagon’s Lifting of Combat Ban Comes as Role of Military Women Grows

In December 2011, the Pew Research Center examined the roles and attitudes of female military veterans and found that, while many combat roles were withheld from female veterans, women in the military did report experiencing combat and had many of the same issues as men during their transition back into civilian life.

report | Nov 27, 2012

Veterans Survey

Survey Details: Conducted Jul-Sep, 2011 File Release Date: 27 Nov 12

report | Mar 30, 2012

Views of Law Enforcement, Racial Progress and News Coverage of Race

The controversy over the death of Trayvon Martin has highlighted issues relating to the treatment of blacks by local police departments, the state of race relations in the U.S. and press coverage of African Americans. Pew Research Center surveys in recent years have covered the opinions of blacks and whites on these and other issues. […]

report | Mar 27, 2012

Trayvon Martin Killing Is Public’s Top News Story

Overview The growing controversy over the shooting death of 17-year-old Trayvon Martin in Florida was the public’s top story last week, though African Americans express far greater interest in news about the killing than do whites. Overall, a quarter of Americans (25%) say they followed news about the African American teenager killed by a community […]

report | Dec 14, 2011

Video: The Military-Civilian Gap

These videos and an audio slideshow discuss the findings from surveys of veterans and the general public that examine the rewards and burdens of military service.

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