E-patients and their hunt for health information
How patients and caregivers seek health information in the digital age
How patients and caregivers seek health information in the digital age
What people do at libraries and what they’d like libraries to become
The National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) recently released the findings of its latest Survey of Public Participation in the Arts, conducted in July 2012. It found 58% of all American adults ages 18 and older had engaged in “voluntary reading” within the past year.
Lee Rainie speaks about the Project’s latest research about the way people use libraries and the role they play in their communities.
Overview of Pew Internet's mobile connectivity findings and their implications for libraries
Some 70% of American adults ages 18 and older have broadband at home as of May 2013. Another 3% of adults go online at home via dial-up, and one in ten adults (10%) lacks home broadband but does own a smartphone.
We’ve published several new reports on teens (ages 12-17) and technology over the past few months, with lots of great findings based on our nationally representative surveys as well as insights from in-person focus groups.
Research associate Kathryn Zickuhr discussed data from the Pew Research Center’s nationally representative surveys to explore the changing role of libraries in the digital age.
Susan Hildreth, director of the Institute of Museum and Library Services, will present on a recent policy report, developed with the Campaign for Grade-level Reading, that highlights the role of libraries in early learning. In addition, Pew Intern...
13 Key Takeaways from Pew Internet’s Libraries Research