Information on the go
This talk, the keynote address at the Arizona State Library’s E-Reader Summit and Technology Showcase, will highlight trends in mobile internet access, e-reader and tablet computer use, and mobile apps.
This talk, the keynote address at the Arizona State Library’s E-Reader Summit and Technology Showcase, will highlight trends in mobile internet access, e-reader and tablet computer use, and mobile apps.
In this international course, Kristen will share data on the growing mobile landscape both globally and in the US, highlight key aspects of today’s changing information ecology, and explore with librarians how they can leverage these two trends in...
Lee Rainie spoke to librarians in Barcelona (May 19, 2010) and Madrid (May 21, 2010) about how libraries can survive in the new media ecosystem. Includes speech text and slides.
Information permeates all aspects of our lives and this changes people's behaviors and expectations.
Director Lee Rainie was invited to be a keynote speaker at VALA2010 in Melbourne.
Trends in the use of digital technology and what they mean to museums.
Lee discusses the latest findings of the Pew Internet Project and why they suggest that libraries can play a role in people’s social networks in the future.
A look at the new needs and experiences of information seekers and media makers
Libraries can play a role in people’s social networks in the future.
As the internet population has matured over time, binary distinctions between those who are online and offline have given way to a more robust understanding of the assets, actions and attitudes that affect user experience.