On average, older adults spend over half their waking hours alone
Alone time for older Americans amounts to about seven hours a day. Time spent alone rises to over 10 hours a day among those living on their own.
Alone time for older Americans amounts to about seven hours a day. Time spent alone rises to over 10 hours a day among those living on their own.
Those 60 and older now spend more than half of their daily leisure time, four hours and 16 minutes, in front of screens.
About four-in-ten Americans (42%) say they would definitely or probably be interested in orbiting the Earth in a spacecraft in the future, while roughly six-in-ten (58%) say they would not be interested.
While drones have become more prevalent, many Americans have reservations about where and under what circumstances their use should be allowed.
More Americans say it's good to steer girls toward boy-oriented toys and activities than say boys should be encouraged to play with girl-oriented toys.
Read five facts about Christmas in America and how people celebrate the holiday.
The U.S. has more foreign students enrolled in its colleges and universities than any other country in the world. Explore data about foreign students in the U.S. higher education system.
The growing prevalence of cellphones comes as the typical American household now contains a wide range of connected devices.
Through both recession and recovery, the share of young adults living in their parents’ home continues to rise. As of 2016, 15% of 25- to 35-year-old Millennials were living in their parents’ home.
Though the majority of Americans think most video games players are men, equal numbers of men and women report playing video games. Yet, men are twice as likely to call themselves “gamers.”