short reads | Oct 24, 2014

19% say they get news from a source they distrust

A significant number of web-using adults get at least some of their news about government and politics from sources that they distrust – a concept that may seem puzzling.

report | Jul 11, 2013

Public Esteem for Military Still High

More than three-quarters of Americans continue to believe that members of the military contribute “a lot” to society’s well-being. By contrast, only 37% say clergy make a big contribution to society, and journalists have dropped the most in public esteem since 2009.

report | Jan 29, 2002

In Wartime, the People Want the Facts

Four months into the war, a review of news coverage reveals that over time Americans are getting fewer facts and more opinion -- a narrow range of opinion, at that -- from newspapers, magazines and television. At the same time, polls show the press losing a measure of the respect it had gained in ...

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