Use our updated Global Indicators Database to explore survey findings from around the world
With new 2022 survey results just around the corner, here are five of the many insights from the newly added data available on the database.
With new 2022 survey results just around the corner, here are five of the many insights from the newly added data available on the database.
Pew Research Center’s political typology sorts Americans into cohesive, like-minded groups based on their values, beliefs, and views about politics and the political system. Use this tool to compare the groups on some key topics and their demographics.
Since the initial disruptions of field operations due to COVID-19, we have been able to conduct 33 surveys in 17 countries and territories.
Associate Director for International Research Methods Patrick Moynihan explored the impacts of the coronavirus pandemic on survey research globally as part of an online conference hosted by the Centre for Social Research and Methods at Australian National University.
Our response to the pandemic has included the difficult decision to suspend much of our international survey work until further notice.
Polling in different parts of the world can be very challenging, because what works in one country may not work in a different country.
The Center conducts polls in many countries other than the U.S. – but the methodology behind our international surveys can vary.
With global survey research, it's important to understand what people are thinking about the subject we're studying. Focus groups help address this.
Detailed information on Pew Research Center international survey meethodology, such as mode of interview, sampling design, margin of error, and design effect, for each country we survey, organized by survey, country and year.
Question 1: Measuring religious identity How does Pew Research Center measure the religious identity of survey respondents and the religious composition of the U.S.? Answer: Generally, we rely on respondents’ self-identification. A key question we ask in many surveys is: “What is your present religion, if any? Are you Protestant, Roman Catholic, Mormon, Orthodox such […]