report | Sep 21, 1994

The People, the Press & Politics

Report Summary Reflecting a dramatically changed environment in America and the world, the voter typology which Times Mirror created in 1987 has been modified to make it more responsive to the new values and attitudes that affect voter behavior in 1994. We present it as “The People, The Press and Politics: The New Political Landscape.” […]

report | Apr 6, 1994

Economic Recovery Has Little Impact on American Mood

Report Summary Despite signs of an economic turn around, Americans remain highly dissatisfied with the state of the nation, financially burdened and fearful about their futures. From an economic point of view, continued discontent with earning power of American jobs is inhibiting celebration of the economic recovery. From a political one, preoccupation with Whitewater is […]

report | Dec 10, 1993

Public Backs Clinton on Gun Control

Report Summary As concern about crime has supplanted the recession as the public’s single greatest worry, Americans express strong support for Bill Clinton’s efforts to control the use of handguns. Most also say they would like to see the President challenge the National Rifle Association, which a growing number of Americans feel has too much […]

report | Nov 2, 1993

America’s Place in the World

Report Summary We undertook this latest survey of the Times Mirror Center for The People & The Press, America’s Place in the New World, in an effort to discover where the nation’s top non-governmental leaders believe America is today, domestically and in foreign affairs, and where it should go in the post Cold War world. […]

report | Oct 28, 1992

1993 – Priorities for the President

Report Summary Over the course of the ten days in October that shaped the final leg of this election campaign Ross Perot has brought several issues into sharp focus that have convinced a significant number of voters that he is the candidate most capable of handling them.

report | Mar 1, 1989

The People, the Press & Politics: Public Opinion About Economic Issues

Report Summary Public perceptions and priorities are changing as the new administration begins its effort to deal with the nation’s economic problems. This new Times Mirror survey identifies five important elements of public opinion that have significant implications for economic policy alternatives. These trends and dispositions emerge from an analysis of the findings of 2000 […]

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