Shop online? Many teens do it, but more prefer the store
American teens have long been the country's most-wired age group. But contrary to the stereotype of hyper-connected teens, they say some things are better done in person.
American teens have long been the country's most-wired age group. But contrary to the stereotype of hyper-connected teens, they say some things are better done in person.
Parents who have young children at home are a relatively tech-savvy group. They are more likely than other adults to have computers, internet access, smartphones, and tablet computers. They are also more likely than adults without children to read e-books. But as parents adapt new reading habits for themselves on electronic devices, the data show that print books remain important when it comes to their children.
Among the things teens choose to share on social media, their real name and photos of themselves rank the highest. What else do they share?
Explore what teens choose to share and keep private and with whom in this infographic.
Among teen social media users, percent who post the following to the profile they use most often
Size of Facebook network by gender and age
A list of some of the most revealing and interesting comments about how teens think about social networking sites and how they navigate issues of identity and privacy.
Youth are sharing more personal information on their profiles than in the past. They choose private settings for Facebook, but share with large networks of friends.
Yahoo! today confirmed that it’s buying 6-year-old blogging service Tumblr for $1.1 billion in cash. Who uses Tumblr? We consulted the recent report on social media demographics from the Pew Research Center’s Internet & American Life Project to find out: Only 6% of Internet users surveyed in late 2012 reported using Tumblr, versus two-thirds for Facebook. Three […]
Research analyst Kathryn Zickuhr discussed key findings from the Pew Research Center's multi-year study of public libraries, as well as larger trends in how Americans use technology.