report | Mar 4, 2005

Search Queries About Social Security

A recent PIP report found that on any given day 38 million Americans consult a search engine. So it stands to reason that, as the national debate about Social Security continues, internet users may turn to search engines for links to sites that m...

report | Feb 2, 2005

Wired Seniors, 2000-2004

One in four Americans age 65+ has access to the internet, up from 15% in 2000.

report | Jun 11, 2004

The Medicare Information Challenge

OK, so a high-stakes financial decision faces a big group of consumers. Most experienced Internet users might say, “So what, I got a great deal on my car last year based on Web research..."

report | Mar 28, 2004

Older Americans and the Internet

22% of Americans 65 and older use the Internet. The percent of seniors who go online has jumped by 47% between 2000 and 2004. In a February 2004 survey, 22% of Americans age 65 or older reported having access to the Internet, up from 15% in 2000. By ...

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