More Wired Seniors than Ever
26% of Americans age 65+ go online.
26% of Americans age 65+ go online.
A recent PIP report found that on any given day 38 million Americans consult a search engine. So it stands to reason that, as the national debate about Social Security continues, internet users may turn to search engines for links to sites that m...
One in four Americans age 65+ has access to the internet, up from 15% in 2000.
A growing number of "Silver Surfers" switch to fast online connections
This presentation provides new demographic data, not contained in recent reports, that is broken out by age groups. It also contains specific tips for government Web site managers who want to design senior-friendly sites.
The presentation outlines three main groups, roughly aligned with the constituencies of a college or university website--teens/prospective students, current students and parents--and discusses the online nature, behaviors and beliefs of these groups.
OK, so a high-stakes financial decision faces a big group of consumers. Most experienced Internet users might say, “So what, I got a great deal on my car last year based on Web research..."
22% of Americans 65 and older use the Internet. The percent of seniors who go online has jumped by 47% between 2000 and 2004. In a February 2004 survey, 22% of Americans age 65 or older reported having access to the Internet, up from 15% in 2000. By ...
Ms. Lenhart's speech covered how young Americans use the Internet, with a particular focus on instant messaging.
Amanda's presentation covered how teenagers, college students and their parents use the Internet.