presentation | Jun 10, 2010
This talk confirms, complicates or debunks common wisdom around teens and young adults and their use and attitudes towards technologies. Amanda looks at how teens and young adults use mobile phones and social networks, and charts their changing re...
presentation | May 18, 2010
In a brown bag lunch talk given to FTC, FCC and Department of Education staff, Amanda talks about teens and mobile phones - who has them, how they use them and how schools and parents approach and manage the devices in the home and in the classroom.
presentation | May 11, 2010
Lee Rainie discusses social, economic, and political trends especially among the younger generation that have given rise to a new and emerging class of networked citizens.
presentation | May 6, 2010
An updated look at the research and definitions around bullying and cyberbullying. Presented to the Youth Online Safety Working Group assembled by NCMEC, Amanda's talk unpacks both what current research can tell us about cyberbullying as well as w...
report | May 3, 2010
Face-to-face interaction among teens is holding relatively steady, despite a spike in text messaging.
report | Apr 20, 2010
Text messaging explodes as teens embrace it as the centerpiece of their communication strategies with friends.
presentation | Mar 23, 2010
Kristen Purcell will speak at the the Fred Rogers Center's Fred Forward Conference about recent research on teens' online activities.
report | Mar 11, 2010
At a conference at the Newseum in Washington, D.C. on Wednesday, Feb. 24, 2010, Pew Research Center analysts and outside experts discussed research findings about the Millennial generation, the American teens and twenty-somethings now making the passage into adulthood. In this second of three sessions experts on media and technology examine how Millennials are seeking, sharing and creating information.
presentation | Mar 9, 2010
This panel discusses the opportunities and challenges presented by technology for STD prevention. Amanda presents Pew Internet's latest data on the use of technology by teens and young adults for communicating, socializing and information gathering.
report | Feb 26, 2010
This week we filed a public comment in response to the Federal Communications Notice of Inquiry on the issue of "Empowering Parents and Protecting Kids in an Evolving Media Landscape."