report | Mar 10, 2006

Seniors, Youth & Privacy

New analysis of our data & others indicates that younger people are more likely to take action to prevent identity fraud & spyware.

presentation | Mar 9, 2006

Seniors, Youth & Privacy

New analysis of surveys conducted by the Pew Internet Project and the AARP indicate that younger people are more likely to take action to avoid software intrusions and to prevent identity fraud.

report | Feb 26, 2006

Home Broadband Adoption in Rural America

In December 2005 24% of adult rural Americans went online at home with high-speed internet connections compared with 39% of adults in urban and suburban areas.

report | Feb 22, 2006

Invasion of the Computer Snatchers

This week’s Washington Post magazine story by Brian Krebs should serve as yet another wake-up call to internet users who do not take precautions against software intrusions.

report | Feb 21, 2006

Truly a World Wide Web

Computer usage and internet access have gone global. In many countries the growth has been fastest among people older than 50, according to a new Pew Global Attitudes report.

presentation | Feb 17, 2006

Parents and Teens: Filters & Content Creation

This presentation covers two main themes -- what are parents currently doing to protect their children from unwanted content, and how are adolescent and adult internet users producing and sharing their own content online.

presentation | Nov 10, 2005

The Future of the Internet

Thought-provoking scenarios of the future regarding education and network security.

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