report | Apr 23, 2009
Participatory medicine is taking hold with both citizens and health professionals. But there are still pockets of people who lack access to the basic technology, lack the skills required to participate, or who may lack the sense that they are welc...
presentation | Apr 22, 2009
The Family Online Safety Institute convened the Wireless Online Safety Conference to examine issues around youth, mobile phones and safety. Amanda Lenhart sets the scene with this presentation, sharing 5 years of Pew Internet data on teens and cel...
report | Mar 25, 2009
Wireless connectivity has drawn many users more deeply into digital life.
report | Feb 27, 2009
Last week my colleague, Amanda Lenhart, appeared on the Kojo Nnamdi show to talk about the opportunities and hazards that come with using social networking sites.
report | Feb 13, 2009
The Future of Music Coalition's Policy Day brings together musicians, techies, policymakers and advocates to discuss the changing music and technology policy landscape.
report | Feb 11, 2009
One in ten Americans is living with a rare disorder. The internet can be a vital source of information for people who may never have otherwise met someone else with their disease or condition.
report | Jan 28, 2009
Over half of the adult internet population is between 18 and 44 years old. But larger percentages of older generations are online now than in the past, and they are doing more activities online.
report | Jan 21, 2009
Our May 2008 survey asked dial-up users why they do not have a broadband connection at home and our December 2007 asked non-internet users about the reasons they do not use the internet. This table summarizes the results.
report | Jan 21, 2009
Investment in broadband has become part of the broader discussion about President Obama's economic stimulus package. How easy will it be to increase the pool of broadband subscribers or to encourage existing ones to upgrade their connection speeds?
report | Dec 14, 2008
Predictions about the fate of the cell phone, the future of voice recognition, the advantages and disadvantages of personal transparency, the architecture of the internet, and where leisure and work are headed -- and much more.