Latinos Online, 2006-2008
64% of Latino adults ages 18 and older used the internet in 2008, compared with 54% of Latinos in 2006.
64% of Latino adults ages 18 and older used the internet in 2008, compared with 54% of Latinos in 2006.
NPR’s Morning Edition story, "Patients Turn to Online Buddies for Help Healing," combined research and real-life examples, participatory medicine and health data rights.
As part of a panel on privacy, security, and confidentiality, Susannah Fox discussed the "shadow economy" of health data that has sprung up, with all the dangers and opportunities of an unregulated market.
Susannah Fox will present data about the impact of the internet on health and health care to a meeting of the HIT Policy Committee, convened by David Blumenthal, M.D., M.P.P., National Coordinator...
Representatives from the Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies, the Pew Internet & American Life Project and the U.S. Internet Industry Association (USIIA) will discuss the new communities coming online in record numbers in the United St...
Just as in offline politics, the well-off and well-educated are especially likely to participate in online activities that mirror offline forms of engagement. But there are hints that social media may alter this pattern.
Broadband adoption increases, but monthly prices do, too.
In the decade since Napster's launch, selling recorded music has become as much of an art as making the music itself.
This presentation dives into the demographics of teen and adult social network users and looks at how youth use of social networks compares to use by adults, both in frequency, but also in purpose and behavior.
This talk surveys the current research on cyberbullying and online harassment, pulling in Pew Internet data as well as the work of the Crimes Against Children Research Center at the University of New Hampshire, Internet Solutions for Kids and othe...