Anonymity, Privacy, and Security Online
86% of internet users have taken steps to avoid surveillance by other people or organizations when they were using the internet
86% of internet users have taken steps to avoid surveillance by other people or organizations when they were using the internet
Seven in ten American adults have a high-speed broadband connection at home. Another one in ten Americans lack home broadband but do own a smartphone.
58% of American teens have downloaded an app to a cell phone or tablet. More than half of teen apps users have avoided an app due to concerns about sharing their personal information.
The early-August suicide of a 14-year-old British girl and her father’s anguished Facebook posts about it has prompted the website to beef up its anti-bullying tools and practices. It has also reignited the debate over the extent of online bullying and its impact. is a Latvia-based site that allows users to pose and […]
Teens often rely on themselves and the guidance they get from the websites they use to figure out how to manage their privacy online, but when they do seek advice, they go primarily to peers and parents.
The favorability ratings of Rand Paul and Chris Christie vary among Republican voters when viewed through the filter of those who approve of the NSA's surveillance program and those who do not.
Overview In the wake of leaked information about the government’s telephone and digital surveillance programs last month, public opinion surveys reported a wide range of reactions. For example, a Pew Research Center/Washington Post survey conducted immediately after the revelations found broad support for the program, while a Gallup survey conducted just days later found more […]
Overview A majority of Americans – 56% – say that federal courts fail to provide adequate limits on the telephone and internet data the government is collecting as part of its anti-terrorism efforts. An even larger percentage (70%) believes that the government uses this data for purposes other than investigating terrorism. And despite the insistence […]
In a survey of Advanced Placement and National Writing Project teachers, a majority say digital tools encourage students to be more invested in their writing by encouraging personal expression and providing a wider audience for their work.
A plurality of Venezuelans (44%) prefer to have a closer relationship with the U.S. than existed during the presidency of Hugo Chavez.