presentation | May 22, 2017

The public and cybersecurity practices and knowledge

Lee Rainie presented the Center’s findings about public practices and knowledge related to cybersecurity to the advisory board of the National Cybersecurity Alliance on May 5, 2017.

report | Mar 22, 2017

What the Public Knows About Cybersecurity

A majority of internet users can answer fewer than half the questions correctly on a difficult knowledge quiz about cybersecurity issues and concepts.

feature | Mar 22, 2017

Cybersecurity Knowledge Quiz

A majority of online adults can identify a strong password and know the risks of using public Wi-Fi. Yet, many struggle with more technical cybersecurity concepts.

report | Jan 26, 2017

Americans and Cybersecurity

Many Americans do not trust modern institutions to protect their personal data – even as they frequently neglect cybersecurity best practices in their own personal lives.

short reads | Sep 21, 2016

The state of privacy in post-Snowden America

After the June 2013 leaks by Edward Snowden about NSA surveillance of Americans’ communications, Pew Research Center began an in-depth exploration of people’s views and behaviors related to privacy. Here's what we learned.

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