report | Jun 25, 2009
The protests in Iran consumed blogs and social media last week. Web users disseminated information, organized and demonstrated solidarity with protestors. In addition to tracking the blogosphere, this week’s New Media Index takes a look at Twitter and the explosion of tweets about Iran.
short reads | May 12, 2009
A quarter of Obama voters who use the internet posted political material online.
report | Apr 15, 2009
A majority of American adults went online in 2008 to keep informed about political developments and to get involved with the election.
report | Dec 30, 2008
Voters expect that the level of public engagement they experienced with Barack Obama during the campaign, much of it occurring online, will continue into the early period of his new administration.
report | Sep 26, 2008
Online activists and concerned citizens are using the internet to learn about the financial crisis, share their views on the proposed bailout, and organize their friends.
report | Oct 13, 2005
Possibly in an internet first, a political group is offering a big prize -- $100,000 -- for political reform ideas.
report | Jan 21, 2005
As President Bush declares one of his main goals for his second term to be to reform Social Security, a number of bloggers have united in opposition and are using the internet as a tool for political organization and action.