Digital differences
While increased internet adoption and the rise of mobile connectivity have reduced many gaps in technology access over the past decade, for some groups digital disparities still remain
While increased internet adoption and the rise of mobile connectivity have reduced many gaps in technology access over the past decade, for some groups digital disparities still remain
These local news enthusiasts follow a diverse set of topics but rely heavily on local newspapers to keep them informed
Despite the growing importance of social media, just 9% of digital news consumers say they “very often” follow news recommendations from Facebook or Twitter on any of the three main types of digital devices (computers, smartphones or tablets).
It took several weeks after the killing of teenager Trayvon Martin before the story exploded in the media. A new PEJ report reveals how social and mainstream media platforms focused on different elements of the controversy and how ideology influenced coverage on the cable and radio talk shows.
Director Lee Rainie spoke about the shifting education landscape of networked learning at the fourth annual NROC Network Member Meeting
Perhaps no topic in technology attracted more attention in 2011 than the rise of social media and its potential impact on news. “If searching for news was the most important development of the last decade, sharing news may be among the most important of the next,” we wrote in a May 2011 report analyzing online news behavior called Navigating News Online.
The migration of audiences toward digital news advanced to a new level in 2011 and early 2012, the era of mobile and multidigital devices. More than three-quarters of U.S. adults own laptop or desktop computers, a number that has been stable for some years.1 Now, in addition, 44% of adults own a smartphone, and the number of tablet owners grew by about 50% since the summer of 2011, to 18% of Americans over age 18.
Kristen will be sharing Pew Internet data on the growth of mobile connectivity and social networking sites in the U.S., as well as changing online information consumption patterns, at the annual Radiodays Europe conference in Barcelona, Spain.
Young adults heard more about the viral video against Joseph Kony and were more likely to learn about it through social media than other sources
How one man became the chief of a tribe he didn't know existed, thanks to the internet.