report | Oct 8, 2015

Social Media Usage: 2005-2015

Nearly two-thirds of American adults (65%) use social networking sites, up from 7% when Pew Research Center began tracking social media usage in 2005.

short reads | Aug 20, 2015

How having smartphones (or not) shapes the way teens communicate

It may seem as if basic or flip phones are a thing of the past, given that 73% of teens have a smartphone. But that still leaves 15% of teens who only have a basic cellphone and 12% who have none at all, and it makes a difference in the way each group communicates.

report | Aug 19, 2015

Mobile Messaging and Social Media 2015

36% of adult smartphone owners use messaging apps, while 17% use apps that automatically delete sent messages. These types of apps are adding to an already complex terrain of digital and social communication. Meanwhile, social media platforms continue to attract dedicated users.

short reads | Aug 19, 2015

How do Americans use Twitter for news?

A look at how researchers analyzed news habits on Twitter using a small but representative sample of users drawn from a national survey of U.S. adults.

report | Aug 19, 2015

Methodology: How do Americans use Twitter for news?

This analysis is exploratory research aimed at gaining a deeper understanding of news habits on Twitter by using a survey-based sample to identify a representative group of Twitter users and study their behavior. The study is based on Twitter activity of 176 U.S. adults who identified themselves as Twitter users and gave Pew Research Center permission […]

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