The Internet and Campaign 2010
54% of adults used the internet for political purposes in the 2010 election cycle, far surpassing the 2006 midterm contest.
54% of adults used the internet for political purposes in the 2010 election cycle, far surpassing the 2006 midterm contest.
47% of American adults use their cellphones and tablet computers to get local news and information
Susannah Fox presented Pew Internet's latest research on peer-to-peer healthcare and mobile access.
Lee Rainie speaks about networked individuals and networked librarians at the annual conference of university librarians in North Carolina
Lee Rainie discusses research findings about the information needs of communities
People who believe their local government does a good job sharing information are more likely than others to feel satisfied with civic life.
Many people - especially those living with chronic or rare diseases - use online connections to supplement professional medical advice.
Latinos are less likely than whites to access the internet, have a home broadband connection or own a cell phone, according to survey findings from the Pew Hispanic Center.
Kristen Purcell presents Pew Internet findings on teen communication and social media use as part of a joint webinar with the Girl Scout Research Institute. (Updated with slides)
Senior research staff answer questions from readers relating to all the areas covered by our seven projects, ranging from polling techniques and findings, to media, technology, religious, demographic and global attitudes trends.