report | May 12, 2011
The online conversation about health is being driven forward by two forces: 1) the availability of social tools and 2) the motivation, especially among people living with chronic conditions, to connect with each other.
report | May 9, 2011
The future of the journalism relies heavily on understanding the ways people consume news online. But mastering that information is challenging. Behavior is changing quickly, and the metrics can be elusive and even contradictory. In a new study, PEJ examines Nielsen data from the top 25 most popular news sites to offer insights about how people get to news sites; what they do once there and where they go when they leave.
presentation | May 6, 2011
Lee Rainie discusses how libraries can be actors in building and participating in social networks through their use of social media and through delivering their time-tested — and trusted — services to their patrons.
presentation | May 5, 2011
Lee Rainie discusses e-patients and their online behavior
presentation | May 4, 2011
Susannah Fox presented the Project's latest findings on how mobile access is affecting health and health care.
presentation | Apr 28, 2011
Pew Internet trends in cell phone ownership, usage and attitudes.
presentation | Apr 14, 2011
Summary of research findings from Pew Internet's 2010 post-election survey.
presentation | Apr 14, 2011
Susannah Fox will participate in the first working meeting of the Open mHealth Public-Private Partnership in Washington, DC.
presentation | Apr 7, 2011
Lee Raine talks with Journalism That Matters' Bill Densmore about how libraries can adjust and thrive in the new media ecosystem.
presentation | Apr 7, 2011
Kristen Purcell's keynote address at the Museums and the Web annual conference, held April 6-10 in Philadelphia, PA.